Me being strange, or maybe the word is “weird” ...

                               When subtlety fails us we must make do with cream pies. -- David Brin

    Use  your browser’s “back”  command to return to this page from these links.

                Apple Releases Time Machine 2.0

                The Ballad of the Frolic

                Of Bats, Human Beings, and the Food Chain

                The Chairman of the Con (a song satire)

                Cold War Christmas Poem

                “Crying Green Man” (Hallowe’en Mask I made)


                Favorite Quotations

                How Coyote Made the Milky Way

                How Many Extropians Does It Take To Change a Lightbulb?

                Jay’s Geek Credentials

                Menu from the Cannibal Cafeteria

                Names and Comments in Various Programming Languages

                Pied Piper Redux

                Pizza Toppings

                Taxonomist Humor

                Ten Things, True or False?

                They Hijacked the Cat