Science Fiction and Fantasy I Have Written

(not including my doctoral thesis)

Art is but a vision of reality. — W. B. Yeats

    Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I decided to try my hand at writing fantasy and science fiction. My experience with the science fiction and fantasy publishing industry was distressing, the more so because my experience getting amateur astronomy articles published in Sky & Telescope was entirely pleasant, so in due course, I stopped trying. Yet many of the friends whom I cajoled into looking at my fiction seemed to like it, so I decided to put a few items on my web site for you to read.

    Whether this page is under construction or finished depends on whether you like what is here. If you do, let me hear from you, and I will put up more.

    If you have any comments or criticisms about any of this stuff, by all means send me EMail, at

    There is additional, shorter original work by me — fact and fiction alike — elsewhere on this web site.

    Use your browser’s “back”  command to return to this page from the links below.

Hunter’s Moon:

    Hunter’s Moon is a complete fantasy novel. Its themes include sex and violence, love and eternity, man meets monster, and traditional family values. It might be appropriate to warn you that if Hunter’s Moon were a movie, it would likely be rated “R” or “NC-17” because of violence.

    To read Hunter’s Moon, click this link: Hunter’s Moon pdf.

    That link will load a browser window with a pdf file, which you may of course save on your own disk if you wish to read it off-line.

The Peregrine:

    The Peregrine is an unfinished novel. I have no idea whether I will ever complete it. What is done is essentially all of the beginning, a modest chunk of the middle, and the final scene. I leave it to you to discover whether The Peregrine is a bodice-ripper romance, a mystery, a gothic horror story, a vampire novel, all of the above, or something else entirely. You may not find out until you have read for quite a while, and setting the story line up that way was lots of fun.

    To read The Peregrine, click this link: The Peregrine pdf.

    That link will load a browser window with a pdf file, which you may of course save on your own disk if you wish to read it off-line.


There Is Another Shore:

    There Is Another Shore is a longish short story. If I told you what it was about, that would be telling.  To read it, click this link: There Is Another Shore pdf.

    That link will load a browser window with a pdf file, which you may of course save on your own disk if you wish to read it off-line.